Australian Authors

Australian AuthorsAbout the Australian Authors Website:

As a relatively unknown Australian Author, I know what it’s like to strive to get my work in front of readers.

The Self Publishing revolution, while providing enormous opportunities for writers, has also thrown up some significant hurdles. Suddenly there are thousands of authors world wide producing millions of titles into the market, all fighting for recognition. For an author, in this digital age, it is mandatory to have at least a Website, a Facebook page, and a Instagram presence, not to mention the plethora of other social media platforms out there, and guess what, everyone has the same idea, it’s a lot of work. However it’s not all doom and gloom, it’s a brave new, digital world, with many new ideas still to be discovered, and this includes the Book-Marketing space.

Promoting Australian Authors.

This website and accompanying digital marketing, is designed to make it easier for Australian Authors to stand out in the crowd. We, as Australian  writers, are enjoying a surge in popularity, both at home and internationally, and to take advantage of this and to make it easier for fans and readers to find us, I have developed “Australian Authors Marketplace”. A website where we can be found by our books’ genres, as well as by our name and via numerous advertising opportunities across the site. We can stand shoulder to shoulder with our literary super stars and forebears and promote ourselves alongside them. I am sure they won’t mind giving their Aussie sisters and brothers a leg up, and help to unearth our next best sellers.

So, click “Register”, Give yourself a profile and upload some of your book covers and links and become part of the team. IT’S FREE.

Featuring your book on Australian Authors Front Page.

Maybe, down the track, to further distinguish your work, you may wish to advertise a title or two in our “Featured Books” areas, listed by genre for search purposes. Your book cover will be featured and linked to your sales platform, (E.G. Website, Amazon etc.) as well as to your profile. We will also promote your book on social media as we promote by genre each week.

Click below to view social media sites where your promotions will appear :

Australian Authors Marketplace – Facebook Page

Reading Australian – Facebook group.

Australian Authors Marketplace – Instagram Page


Go here for details

Join Us and be discovered.


Russell Perry – Principal and web-manager of Australian Authors’ Marketplace.

I am an Author (fiction) and marketer, a member of

  • Fellowship of Australian Writers – Queensland (FAWQ) and
  • Caboolture Writers Link.

Among my passions are writing and supporting Australian Writers.

Register today and get your name and books out there.