Throughout his career, Bill was heavily involved in preparing, writing, analysis, editing and presentation of scientific information from his own work and the work of others. These included research papers, advisory articles for industry, lectures to tertiary students and industry personnel, seminar and conference papers, supervision of Master’s degree students, theses, reports and work manuals. Other work included standard methods development and systems analysis and design of scientific industry programs, with and without computers.
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‘Is Your Picture Worth 1,000 Words?’ for people working in business, science, engineering, technology, education, societies and clubs. The book guides the reader on how to make their tables, charts, graphs and diagrams more effective and addresses various problems involved in presenting visual information.
‘Nu-English’, which focusses on the many imperfections in the English language and offers for serious consideration a revised English language which is free of many of the defects, thus making the language easier and quicker to learn and to use. Improvements include: a unique expanded truly phonetic alphabet with English-derived unambiguous symbols for each sound; rigid spelling rules without exceptions; removal of silent letters and unnecessary group names; logical simple standardised grammar rules without exceptions; and conversion of irregular formatting rules, especially for irregular verbs, to more regular rules. Some comments are also directed at some aspects of French and German languages.