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Howard Shepherd retired from the business world at age 80 and then found the time to concentrate on writing the story that was ‘in his bones and he could not contain it.’ (Thanks Jeremiah!)

A Bible student for more than 40 years, he has eight children, a wonderful wife named Patty (who’s a great cook) and 15 grandchildren.

Howard volunteered as a chaplain in Woodford Correctional Centre for seven years, finally hanging up his Prison ID tag and lanyard in January 2022.

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Authors Book Genres
Historical Fiction, Spiritual
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Historical Fiction, Spiritual

Tamara’s story begins when she travels with her husband and new-born son from their home in Samaria to a village called Bethlehem, in the year 6BC.
Her life-story is founded upon one of the best-known and loved women from the Bible. Unfortunately, we have not been told her name; so, we shall call her Tamara!
Tamara becomes depressed with years of deep sadness and defeat. Although many judge her as promiscuous, the Bible does not reveal what caused her to make so many bad choices.
Also, the Bible only mentions her when she makes a powerful cameo performance. It is then that Tamara meets her Messiah when he reveals himself to her and uses this defeated woman as a doorway to her nation.

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