Tasmanian Author, Artist, Academic, Songwriter
Master of Letters, BA 2017, Master of Letters in Creative Writing 2019, GKA Asia Pacific 2019
Fave Book Series: Incarnations of Immortality by Pierce Anthony
and Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre
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Life is the Darkness - Second Edition
Life is the Darkness is a book of short stories, and a few pieces of poetry.
I break the fourth wall, and all but a few are macabre, some are humorous and all are pieces of realism/surrealism.
Some content can be confronting. It ranges from the innocuous, through to the inevitability of a barren earth, should humans continue to abuse her. There are so many things available to us, other than the manufacturing materials we currently use, to save our planet, while we still maintain a continued enjoyment, doing the things, we have become accustomed to.
I'd like to leave my grandchildren a better world than the one we're leaving for our children today.
The print link to the second edition will be made available very shortly.
The following is a collection of some short and mid-length prose I’ve written over the last twenty years. This was a period of great personal change following an accident which left me physically impaired. The cathartic nature of the short prose form allowed me to release my frustrations through verse and not on those nearest to me.
It was very difficult to come to terms with my situation and this can be seen in short pieces such as Identity, Roaring Echoes or Tomorrow.
The trajectory of this collection follows my initial trauma, denial and finally acceptance of not only what had happened to me, but also my new life circumstances.
This collection was not made with long-form prose in mind, however, a number of mid-length pieces are included, in particular, my reflection on marital rape and abuse.